segunda-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2024


After receiving a vivid vision of the Rapture, a Christian college student records an urgent audio cassette message describing end time events and sharing the Gospel with his unbelieving family.


A Christian woman wants a newspaper man to publish a story about a One World Foundation being set up whose only goal is to control the world. She wants him to warn people that this is coming and explain how it ties into the end times spoken about in the Bible. The newsman is opposed to such an idea until he sees the woman being pursued by the Foundation. As this adventure unfolds, the newspaper man begins to realize that what the woman is saying could be true. This evangelistic, classic end times film presents the truth about Jesus Christ and has interesting insight into what might be coming in the last days.



Exciting "top gun" action and conflict in the lives of the men who push the edge of danger defending our skies. A father chooses between his enemy and the life of his own son. Bursting with Top Gun action, THE SHEPHERD explodes into the lives and conflicts of the men who push the edge of supersonic danger while defending our skies. The resulting bitterness of a split moment decision threatens to destroy the lives of the widowed wife and her young son. An uplifting film about love, forgiveness and true friendship.


A Christian young man, Taylor Mitchell, attends college and has to battle with an atheistic Professor over the subject of God, creation, and evolution. Taylor must pass the class in order to maintain his scholarship and the Professor makes this very difficult for him. He gives the young man a special assignment that he must write in order to get a passing grade: abandon your faith or fail the class! This movie shows good character in how Taylor handles the situation.


Blood on the Mountain is a compelling story about friendship and forgiveness. Fury explodes high above the Royal Gorge in the spectacular Colorado mountains. Two fugitives run for their lives. A bitter cop seeks revenge for his wife s death. An innocent man gives his life to save an escaped murderer.


When they crash landing in a small plane, the Ryan family is stranded on a high-desert mesa. No food, no way to communicate with civilization, time is running out as they face a life and death race for survival.


A father's desire to win at any cost changes his son's innocent challenge into a dangerous race. Laced with love and laughter, Ride the Wind is the fast paced story of two families who learn what true winning is all about. Sparkling entertainment for kids and parents!


A young man's parents and pastor force him to go without rock music for two weeks, and as a result he discovers how rock music is a tool of Satan to control people.

SAMMY 1977

Sammy is the story of a young boy with physical disabilities who helps his family find faith in God, through his gentle spirit and love of animals. An award winning Christian film from 1977 tells the story of Sammy and Matt Redding through their adventures in life and challenges of disability, with Sammy's love and spirit as the theme that brings the family through their struggles.


Orphaned by a tragic car crash, young Robbie and his older sister Susie come to live with their grandmother. A full-grown Brown bear named Luke, who steals hearts (and food) all over town, soon befriends the lonely boy. As a bitter old man plots Luke's death, a mysterious stranger appears thrusting all into a hair-raising adventure. Non-stop action, humor and suspense make A Stranger in My Forest a winner for the whole family.

HAPPINESS IS ....-1975

Humorous adventures and dangerous escapades of young Mike Adams and his mischievous friends. Together, they learn when character counts.


Bible carrying preacher, David Whitcomb battles stubborn businessman Phil Esteem and three bumbling and treacherous demons as they plaque a small midwestern church, catching the ear of certain members of the flock causing mayhem and confusion… But who is really in charge?


A young Family Practice physician is broken by the sudden, unexpected death of his pregnant wife and their unborn son. He drowns his grief with alcohol until the Lord shows him a way to sobriety and back into the practice of medicine.


A true story...Can the King and His men put the pieces back together? Powerful drama about two young people struggling with a failing marriage. As a young couple begins to apply scriptural principles to their relationship, they discover how Christ can bring healing to their shattered marriage.

HOME SAFE - 1981

Based on a true story, this powerful drama demonstrates how obedience to Biblical principles can overcome the problems of permissiveness and lack of leadership in today’s family. A house in the suburbs, two handsome boys and a dog - All is calm at the Donavan household. Or is it? Kathy Donavan is frustrated by Jim's "boys will be boys" attitude toward discipline. Jim can't understand Kathy's new-found religion. Young Jeff is out of control. When grandpa Ollie comes to live with them, a three generation conflict brews. With a tiger loose in the city and a python in the school. Home Safe is alive with action, suspense, humor and tragedy.


A modern day prodigal son story. When a gang of angry teenagers is caught breaking into his workshop, David struggles against his own hostility to teach them a lesson. But can he overcome evil with good?

NITE SONG - 1978

The story of two friends who become heroes. Was Joe’s courage based on faith or foolishness? Pete wasn’t sure, but there was no turning back. Two teenagers struggle together to rid their neighborhood of the evils of drug use in this award winning action drama. Inspiring and entertaining for all ages.

COACH -1983

A struggling Christian high school hires a new coach for their losing basketball team who has no experience and does not want the job. After coming to terms with the fact that he is now the new coach, he takes it from the Lord that it’s something God has brought his way.


One of the most encouraging films that a Christian could watch, this motion picture is a Christian version of "It's a Wonderful Life". High school senior Dan (David White) does not think he's impacting anyone for the Lord. He thinks he's missing out on all the fun. So one day, he wishes he'd never become a Christian. He gets his wish...and then sees things from a very different perspective.


A college philosophy club meeting filled with atheists humiliate a new believer as he tries to prove to them the existence of God. As a result, a Christian out of fellowship with the Lord seeks revenge. He comes across a paper written 50 years ago regarding a theory a man had about when the world might end. With the paper in hand, he sets up a showdown with the club for their next meeting!


How does a worldly high school guy start dating an unsuspecting Christian girl? He becomes...the pretender. Dana's a Christian, Keith is not, but he pretends to become one so he can start dating her with his only intention to take advantage of her. A widely seen teen film that still presents many topics relative to today.


Three factory workers make their routine stop at a diner late one night. Just before closing, a man comes in and takes a seat at the counter. One of the workers, an antagonist named Larry, tries to strike up a conversation with the man but he doesn't respond. Disturbed by this, Larry persists and finds out the man is a Christian. What follows is an intense drama about the most important issue in life...and eternity.


A woman is writing anti-God editorials for her local newspaper. One day a mysterious visitor comes to her office with a message from the Lord. He tells her that on September 19th at 6:05pm she is going to die. Is this a hoax? Or the truth? She has eight days left...and the suspense begins


This is a visual evangelistic film about a young man who comes back from the dead to show his friend the great love of Christ and truth about the cross. This film has one great scene in it which shows what Christ did with our sins when He died. Very visual! This is a good production that is well done.


Carl Smith is a thirty-five year old school teacher on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus Christ never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth? Maybe we'll find out from Carl Smith, because before he reaches Johnson City, he'll make one brief the Daylight Zone

LOVE NOTE - 1987

One of the best high school love stories ever made, Love Note follows the story of a Christian teenager named Craig who was looking for a challenge. When a new girl shows up in school, the one with an attitude, he tries to befriend her but does not succeed. Her candid remarks, rudeness, and distance pushes him away. As his curiosity about who she is grows, so does the story of this movie. This evangelistic drama has two good performances by Craig Bierko and Sally Murphy, a great song, some good humor and is heartfelt.


A Nobel Peace Prize winner, a convicted murderer and two professing Christian teenagers who die and face judgment. Who will spend eternity in heaven? This evangelistic drama brings life's most important question and answer to the forefront. There is a heaven. There is a hell. There is a choice.


This spiritual warfare thriller follows a college student who finds a pair of glasses which allows him to see the demonic world. This motion picture brings to the forefront the serious spiritual battle all around us and has some good insight as to how it all works. Suspenseful!


One of the most widely seen youth films of the late 70's, this dramatic motion picture follows the life of Steve and Angie during their senior year of high school. They each try to live for Christ and reach out to others around them. But, as they deal with their own struggles to share the Lord, a fellow classmate makes things very difficult for them.


When Trevor signed up for a 3 week wilderness journey with a group of other believers, he expected an enriching time in spiritual growth. What he found, in his judgmental opinion, was a group of misfits that shouldn't even qualify as Christians. As the trials on the trails begin to unfold, each member of the group starts to see their own strengths...and weaknesses. Each, that is, except Trevor.


This film presents a real dilemma for any Christian teen. Tim, a senior in high school, becomes a Christian at a summer youth camp and now must face his old worldly friends, his atheistic parents plus fit in with his new lukewarm Christian friends. A solid movie and a very real situation for Christian witnessing. Tim decides to take some risks in his faith to reach out to his best friend Marty. Solid message here. (62 Min.) 1984 from Edward McDougal Films.


Rick Irons (Robert Pierce) moves to Hawaii to live in paradise; surf the gigantic waves. At a party, Rick meets Alma (Maureen McCormick) who quickly becomes a love interest. While dating Alma, he begins to train for the United States surfing title. As Rick's life is racing to the top on the outside, he personally feels like the bottom is falling out on the inside.

domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2024


A tense drama set in a small western town in the late 1800’s. Two outlaws take a blind preacher, his wife and an Indian girl as hostages in their flight from the law. Excitement mounts when Dan, one of the outlaws makes a shocking discovery. The last train to Cortez lays bare the agony that torments Dan but the train brings an unexpected surprise.


A seventeen year old Russian Christian performs a daring escape to get away from the religious persecution of the Soviet Union. He comes to America and stays with a Christian family. While attending the local high school, and much to his surprise, he suffers a different kind of persecution because of his belief in God and the Bible. A good message and good production.


Em viagem à Ilha de Malta, Midinho e seus amigos voltaram no tempo e contemplaram o milagre de cura feito por intermédio de Paulo. No entanto, Gustavo, mesmo acompanhando toda a história, insiste em não crer no poder Deus. Apesar disso, seus amiguinhos continuam crendo na sua conversão. Ao chegar a Roma, a viagem dessa turma fica mais emocionante. Após ouvir as pregações de Paulo, que estava preso naquela cidade, Midinho ensinou a sua turma sobre a importância de perdoar e esquecer os erros dos irmãos. Ainda em Roma, os pequenos servos do Senhor conheceram a história do Coliseu e o legado que Paulo deixou para aquela região. Na volta para a casa, Midinho e seus amigos passam por uma situação difícil no avião, e algo tão esperado pela turma aconteceu. Não percam essa empolgante aventura! Paulo na Ilha De Malta A prisão e as cartas de Roma O Legado de Paulo A volta para casa

quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2024


Dan Donahue, finalmente, encontrou a mulher de seus sonhos. Mas, na noite em que decide pedi-la em casamento, ele percebe que lembranças do passado as quais ainda o atormentam o impedem de seguir em frente e ser feliz. Dan, então, decide escrever uma carta a seu pai expondo seus sentimentos e revelando suas dores e frustrações causadas pelo abandono sofrido no passado. Será que Mike, um homem contido em suas emoções, irá compreender e aceitar as declarações nunca antes reveladas por seu filho? Essa emocionante história baseada em fatos reais revela o quanto laços familiares sólidos são importantes para que o ser humano se desenvolva plenamente.

sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2024


No dia de sua execução, um assassino em série passa por uma avaliação psiquiátrica na qual ele afirma ser um demônio, e ainda alega que antes de seu tempo acabar, o psiquiatra cometerá três assassinatos.


Jornada para Belém é um filme religioso dirigido por Adam Anders (Rock of Ages: O Filme, Glee) e estrelado por Antonio Banderas, Milo Manheim e Fiona Palomo. Misturando música, humor e aventura, a trama acompanha as histórias de três personagens: Mary (Palomo), uma jovem que carrega um grande fardo; Joseph (Manheim), um rapaz dividido entre razão e emoção; e Herod (Banderas), um rei disposto a fazer de tudo para se manter no trono. Em uma adaptação em live-action para as telas do clássico conto religioso natalino, o filme conta a história de Maria, José e o nascimento do menino Jesus.



Uma mulher determinada não mede esforços para realizar seu sonho de infância de ser mãe. Quando a vida a deixar sem opções, para onde ela ...