quinta-feira, 29 de julho de 2021


Em um pequeno povoado na Georgia, a fé e a determinação motivam G.G. Sparrow e Vi Rose Hill a vencer a competição nacional de corais. Para isso, elas têm que trabalhar em equipe e em harmonia.


Baseado no livro best-seller de mesmo nome, Penguin Bloom conta a história de Sam Bloom (Naomi Watts), uma jovem mãe cujo mundo virou de cabeça para baixo depois de um acidente quase fatal que a deixou paralisada. Sua família está lutando para se ajustar à nova situação quando um improvável aliado entra em seu mundo; uma ave bebê ferida que eles decidem chamar de Pinguim. A chegada do pássaro é uma distração bem-vinda para a família Bloom, ensinando Sam a viver novamente.


Depois de ter sua casa destruída por um tornado, Frank, um recém- formado advogado, decide processar Deus.

quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2021


Desvende a história verdadeira do líder mórmon fundamentalista que passou mais de um ano na lista dos mais procurados do FBI por fugir das acusações de supostos arranjos de casamentos ilegais envolvendo meninas menores de idade.

sábado, 10 de julho de 2021


A cristã Han Lu foi monitorada e rastreada pelos policiais do Partido Comunista da China, o que levou à sua prisão. Os policiais a torturaram com brutalidade e empregaram também boatos para lavar seu cérebro, usaram sua família para tentar e coagi-la e recorreram a outros métodos desprezíveis para ameaçá-la numa tentativa de forçá-la a negar e trair Deus. No entanto, sob a orientação da palavra de Deus, Han Lu sobreviveu a muitos interrogatórios sob tortura e refutou poderosamente os diversos boatos e falácias do Partido Comunista da China com a verdade. Dentro do ambiente amargo da perseguição pelo Partido Comunista da China, ela tem dado um lindo e retumbante testemunho...


Três famílias de dois continentes diferentes e culturas divergentes estão unidas pelo desejo de três pais que lutam para salvar suas famílias. A vida deles se entrelaça em uma incrível jornada, onde aprendem sobre o poder da cura, do perdão e da reconciliação. “Nenhum homem sabe como ou quando será testado, ou até onde ele iria para proteger quem ele ama”, diz o narrador do filme, olhando, primeiro, para a maneira como sua família vivenciou a tragédia e, depois, avançando para mostrar o amor vencendo de maneira incrível. O filme foi lindamente filmado e incrivelmente roteirizado, com ação dinâmica que, muitas vezes, implica violência ou tragédia de forma poderosa, sem nos sobrecarregar visualmente. O poderoso testemunho de perdão (tanto pessoal como culturalmente) brilha através do filme, e é impossível deixá-lo passar ou ignorá-lo, assim como a forma como a família e a amizade no corpo de Cristo se elevam acima das coisas que nos mantêm afastados.

sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2021


Feature film with songs, sadness, stories, and the #Christmas story for the whole family, The Christmas #Storykeepers is as timeless as the nativity story itself. This is Christmas as you have never seen it before.


"Rome, 64 AD. The Emperor Nero has unleashed his fury against the Christians. Their crime: Proclaiming a King higher than Caesar. Setting fire to the city, Nero places the blame on the Christians, and launches a new campaign to wipe them out. Families are separated, children left homeless, as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions. Escaping the panic of the fire, and dodging the advancing soldiers, a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of Ben and Helena; a local baker, and his wife. Here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women, who risk their lives to help one another, and to tell the stories of the great storyteller, the one called Jesus. And so awaiting the day when their parents will return, Anna, Cyrus, Justin, and Marcus, embark on an adventure of a lifetime, together with Ben, Helena, and their friends, in the Christian underground. Their mission: To keep the stories of Jesus alive. This is their story. They are the Storykeepers!" All episodes (1-7) 00:16 Breakout 22:12 Raging Waters 44:05 Catacomb Rescue 1:05:13: Ready, Aim, Fire! 1:26:54 Sink or Swim 1:48:52 Starlight Escape 2:10:48 Roar in the Night All episodes (8-13) 0:05 Captured! 21:59 Trapped! 43:53 Tricked By A Traitor 1:05:48 Tried And True 1:27:43 Caught At The Crossroads 1:49:38 To The Ends of The Earth


The story of Jesus, The Easter story. Subscribe and watch more stories►https://goo.gl/SrPlqB The story of friends who can’t be relied on, enemies pretending to be friends, and a Roman enemy who finally becomes a friend when Ben and his orphans help him to understand what The Storykeepers are telling him about Jesus



An epic and thrilling adventure of two childhood friends, one Orman and one Jew, whose friendship is tested. Only the healing grace of Christ can make Ben Hur whole again


He was born in humble obscurity, yet His family had to flee to save Him from a jealous ruler. He forgave sins, healed the sick and gave hope to the downhearted and oppressed, yet He was despised and rejected by many. He spoke the truth even when it was dangerous to do so. He willingly laid down His life and then rose again, conquering the power of death! From The Voice of the Martyrs comes God with Us, formerly called Jesus: He Lived Among Us. With newly enhanced animation, it is the dramatic retelling of the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of the last surviving apostle, John. Journey with Jesus and encounter His miracles, His astonishing teaching and His unsurpassed bravery. Discover the power and love of Jesus Christ and see why His followers risked all to carry His message to the ends of the earth. Children and adults alike will be captivated by this account of Jesus’ life, featuring vivid storytelling and high impact animation. Recommended for ages 7 and up. This powerful presentation will encourage and inspire viewers to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


A man named Pilgrim discovers a book, and the more he reads it, the more he is convicted of sin and judgment and a burden begins to develop on his back. Obsessed with discovering the truth and escapingInge vanden Eijnde his town, the City of Destruction, Pilgrim ventures outside the forbidden borders and begins his journey to find a Celestial City ruled by a good and noble King, meeting friends and foes along the way. THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS was written over 340 years ago by John Bunyan when he was in prison. The story of Pilgrim's Progress has been smuggled to the underground church during communism, banned for a time in China, and has sold more copies than any other book other than the Bible. The journey of this remarkable work continues as Revelation Media brings the story to a new generation using state-of-the-art CGI animation.


To Every Nation is the third and final installment of The Witnesses Trilogy. In God With Us we witnessed the coming of Christ. In The Messengers, we witnessed the birth and empowering of the early church. Now, we witness the church’s miraculous growth and learn how the first believers took the gospel To Every Nation. Covering the Book of Acts chapter 10-28, this thrilling animated feature shows how the Christian faith changed the world. Recommended for children age 7 and up.


The thrilling Biblical story of Joseph is told in this high quality 3-D animated feature film for children ages 5 and up. Young Joseph is a dreamer, indulged by his father and resented by his older brothers who soon sell him into slavery without their father's knowledge. Now captive in Egypt, Joseph experiences humiliation, hardship and imprisonment. But his faith and his gift for interpreting dreams soon lead him to an exalted position in the kingdom. When his brothers come calling for help, Joseph responds in a surprising way. The program sets Joseph's story in the context of God's plan for Israel and the promised coming of the Messiah. It powerfully demonstrates God's sovereign hand in all things.


Follow the small band of early Christian believers as they boldly proclaim Christ and His message in the face of great opposition resulting in the growth of the church and the unexpected conversion of its most zealous enemy. From The Voice of the Martyrs comes the sequel to God with Us: The Messengers—The Birth of the Early Church. Having risen from the dead, Jesus Christ has appeared to His disciples and instructed them saying, “Remain in Jerusalem until you are filled with power from Heaven!” Waiting in prayer as Jesus has commanded them, the time comes when the Holy Spirit is poured out upon them with great power and wonder! Follow the small band of early Christian believers as they boldly proclaim Christ and His message in the face of great opposition resulting in the growth of the church and the unexpected conversion of its most zealous enemy. Based on the Book of the Acts of the Apostles Chapters 1-9. People of all ages will be inspired by this powerful and moving depiction of the first Christians. Recommended for ages 7 and up.


His ultimate sacrifice lit a torch of faith Jim Elliot has spent his youth preparing to share the Gospel with those who’d never heard it, but nothing could have prepared him for the dangers he faces in the jungles of Ecuador. The remote Waodoni tribe is suspicious and antagonistic when the missionaries begin to fly over their territory with peace offerings. How can Jim and his fellow missionaries break down the hostile barriers and carry a torch of faith to this unreached people group? Find out in this inaugural episode of the Torchlighters.


Translating the Bible into English William Tyndale tops King Henry VIII’s “Most Wanted” list in 1535 and is being pursued across Europe by the king’s bounty hunters. What is his crime? Murder? Theft? No, William’s “crime” is translating the Bible into English for the common people. Watch as this Torchlighter risks his life in order to bring the Scripture to all.


Even Olympic gold will not tempt him to compromise All of Scotland is eager for their running celebrity Eric Liddell to sprint past the rest of the world and bring home Olympic gold in the 100-meter race. But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won’t race on Sunday because of his religious convictions, he is soon labeled a disgrace and a traitor. See how this Torchlighter’s famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II.


She led 100 children over 100 miles to safety With war raging about her and soldiers closing in, this brave missionary sets out on the most difficult journey of her life: a 100-mile trek over the mountains to a safe haven. But it’s not her own safety that concerns this little woman with big faith; it’s the safety of the 100 orphans in her care. Watch as Torchlighter Gladys Aylward’s strength and faith are stretched to the limit in WWII China.

Torchlighters Episode #5 - The Gladys Aylward Story from CCGS Webcast on Vimeo.


Standing for truth in communist Romania In war-torn Romania, there is only one way for churches to get the protection of the government: give their support and allegiance to the communists who are in control. Instead, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand chooses to speak up for Christ, thereby placing his own life and the lives of his family in great danger. When Richard’s choice lands him in a communist prison, his faith and witness are tested to the limits. See how this Torchlighter’s amazing story continues to impact the world today.

Torchlighters Episode #6 - The Richard Wurmbrand Story from CCGS Webcast on Vimeo.


Wild beasts could not shake her faith It is the year AD 203 in Carthage, North Africa. Perpetua, an affluent young mother, is charged with converting to Christianity and is sent to prison without her baby. Her freedom would be secured easily, if she’ll simply offer one pinch of incense in honor to the Roman gods. What will her decision be? Perpetua’s diary captures one of the most influential, true stories of the Early Church. Share the story of this Torchlighter with a new generation!


Rescuing precious children, one by one As little Preena is snatched away from the most gentle woman she has seen in months, she wonders how she will ever again escape from the temple to find the missionary who wears a cross and serves a different sort of God. Meanwhile, Amy Carmichael is consumed by the awful truth she has learned about the plight of the “temple girls.” Will Amy’s faithful determination be enough to free Preena from the powerful customs and superstitions that keep her hostage?


The pub owners and their hired thugs are ready for William Booth and his ragtag followers when they come marching into London’s East End. With clubs and rocks, the thugs are set to chase this preacher out of town once and for all. But William and his “Salvation Army” are not so easily dissuaded! Armed only with Bibles, musical instruments and their unflinching faith, they march in to face their most dangerous opponents so far. Who will win the spiritual battle for the hurting souls of this forgotten corner of London?

Torchlighters Episode #9 - William Booth Story from CCGS Webcast on Vimeo.


He followed the light and found Jesus! Young prince Kaboo is being held for ransom by a fierce enemy tribe who ties him to a pole and prepares to finish him off. Suddenly, a blinding light appears, and the ropes fall away! Kaboo hears a voice urging him to run. While stunned warriors look on in fear, Kaboo escapes into the African jungle and stumbles upon a mission complex, where he learns of his heavenly Father who paid the ransom for all! Taking the new name “Samuel Morris,” he follows where the Spirit leads and shares his newfound faith with all who will liste


Bright young Augustine thinks his mother’s religion is foolishness. With his “superior” intellect to guide him, he sneaks away from home to an important job and a new life of luxury in the city of Rome. When the empire decides to take over one of Milan’s Christian basilicas, Augustine prepares to give the speech of a lifetime to squash the Christians once and for all. With his devout mother and the peaceful Bishop Ambrose on one side and angry, armed soldiers on the other, Augustine discovers he must choose whom he will serve. Read more about Augustine, a man of learning who “put on the Lord Jesus.”


Corrie Ten Boom and her family repair broken clocks and watches. But as the evil of World War II sweeps through their city, a new kind of “watch” comes to their care: an innocent Jewish baby. How will the Ten Booms hide this baby and others from the cruel Nazi invaders, and what will be the cost of serving God amidst unthinkable evils? When faith is tested, hope is tried, and love is strained, will Corrie’s God prevail? This gripping episode of the Torchlighters is an amazing story of courage, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Read more about Corrie ten Boom’s faith to forgive the unforgivable.


When young John Wesley is miraculously saved from his family’s burning home, his mother is certain God has a great purpose for his life. But years later John is still struggling to live out that purpose through good works. Finally, after years of anguish, John embraces saving grace through faith! But his new message is not welcome in the churches. Will John break all the rules and risk his life to bring the message of grace to the needy and the outcast?


Bringing light into a dark land In the mid-nineteenth​ century, the hermit kingdom of Korea is determined to keep foreigners and Christianity out. However, one brave missionary will do anything to bring the light of God into this dark land. With the help of some Korean fishermen hungry for truth, Robert Jermain Thomas risks everything to smuggle in a treasure beyond all imagination. But what will his bravery cost him? And will the Word of God bring light to this dark kingdom?


In a world ruled by a corrupt and greedy church, all it took was one little nail, one well-written parchment, and one sharp-tongued monk to turn everything upside down! Martin Luther didn’t mean to spark the Reformation with his 95 Theses, but his realization that salvation comes through faith and not works ignited the revolution that changed the world. As Pope Leo X hounds and fights him at every turn, will Luther have the courage to stand strong—even to death? Find out in this episode of the Torchlighters! Read more about Martin Luther, and the 95 theses that upheld a neglected truth. Also, be sure to download our 5 Solas coloring page for children!


Follow the extraordinary adventures of Adoniram Judson and his wife Ann as they work to reach souls in Burma, a land where professing Christ would mean certain death. When treacherous religious leaders falsely accuse Adoniram of spying, Burma’s ruthless king throws him into prison, leaving Ann and her unborn child to struggle alone. Will Adoniram escape death and reunite with his wife and child? Will their Bible translation, the only one of its kind, be lost forever? Find out in this episode of The Torchlighters. Read more about the Judson’s, the first American missionaries.


Young Harriet Tubman prayed ceaselessly that she and her family would be set free from the oppression of slavery. Little did she know, God would use her and her resolute faith in Jesus to rescue not only her own family, but hundreds of other enslaved African-Americans as well in what would come to be called The Underground Railroad. Discover the true story of how Harriet followed God, became the Moses of her people, and persevered despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles in this action-packed episode of The Torchlighters! Read more about Harriet Tubman’s incredible prayer life.


George Müller lives on radical prayer, depending on God to supply all his needs without asking for a cent from anyone—not even the congregation he pastors! When he comes into contact with the neglected street children of the city of Bristol (England), he discovers that the workhouses force these desperate orphans into unpaid labor. George and his wife, Mary, open the first orphanages supported entirely by prayer, and God miraculously provides for their every need. But enemies of their work devise a plan to shut down the orphanages for good. Will George’s trust in God remain strong in the face of cunning opponents and desperate circumstances? Children and adults alike will see radical faith in action in this episode of The Torchlighters, Heroes of the Faith. Read more about how George Müller lived on prayer on our blog.


Far from home and at the mercy of the pirates who kidnapped him, young Patrick spends his days tending sheep and fighting off wild animals. That is, until he calls out to the God of his youth. Long days spent aching for home become long days talking with Jesus. After six years as a slave, Patrick hears the Holy Spirit urging him to make a daring escape from the Irish tribe and the druid priest who controls their ways. Once back home, Patrick becomes a priest and then a bishop, but he soon makes a stunning announcement: He will return to his kidnappers as a missionary! Find out why the man known as St. Patrick is credited with bringing the Gospel to Ireland in this action-packed episode of the Torchlighters.


The bold Scottish missionary Mary Slessor has gone deeper into the Nigerian jungle than any other, bringing with her medicine, education, and the life-changing message of the Gospel. When a young mother arrives on her doorstep in the dead of night with newborn twins, Mary receives a fresh call from God: go bring peace and Good News to the Okoyong people, where a powerful witch doctor is terrorizing the most vulnerable. In spite of strong warnings from Brits and Nigerians alike, Mary follows Christ even farther into the jungle. With the Okoyong people’s chief near death and the lives of more innocent people on the line, can Mary’s Savior save them all? Discover the story of this courageous peacemaker in the latest episode of the Torchlighters


quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2021


En un mundo devastado por el holocausto nuclear, un pequeño núcleo de resistencia lucha contra el temible imperio del Anticristo


Tercera entrada y el más conocido de la serie Mark IV de las películas apocalípticas fundamentalistas. Guerrilla fundamentalista cristiano David ayuda a los disidentes condenados a escapar, los intentos de subvertir la Marca computarizado de la Bestia, y por lo general trata de sobrevivir como una profecía se desarrolla en el surgimiento del Anticristo a la cima de su poder y el comienzo de la guerra de Dios sobre el hombre pecador.. Ver pelicula completa español latino online subtitulada


Patty vive como una fugitiva, tratando de ocultarse de todos los hechos maléficos que ocurren a su alrededor. Pero, finalmente, es capturada por las fuerzas de la Unión, que la obligan a ser marcada con el símbolo de la Bestia o sino tendrá que morir.


Patty es una joven moderna que vive por el momento con poca preocupación por el futuro. Hasta que se despierta una mañana para descubrir que su marido y millones de otras personas han desaparecido misteriosamente


How one boy uses fighting as his great defense, but how he learns that all he really needs to heal his hurt is God's love.


This message of love and forgiveness will warm hearts of all ages and open minds to what's possible.


For T.J. there’s no way he will let his chief rival get the better of him, especially when it comes to BMX racing. Then one day T.J. meets the Lord and is later challenged by the Scripture, “As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.” With the help of his older cousin, T.J. learns that the Christian life is not just a “one-moment decision,” but an ongoing commitment. But Christ couldn’t possibly expect him to love and forgive his worst enemy. Surely He wouldn’t ask that of him…. The lesson isn’t easy and it’s not until the grueling, action-packed BMX enduro that T.J. finally understands the true cost of being a Christian…and the true joy.



Uma mulher determinada não mede esforços para realizar seu sonho de infância de ser mãe. Quando a vida a deixar sem opções, para onde ela ...