sexta-feira, 2 de julho de 2021

THE LIST - 2015

By the age of 12, Jack Stone had experienced more life grit than most adults. In desperation, he decides to grab the controls, make a list as his road map and set out to accomplish life his way. After fifteen years of life on the street and clawing up from the bottom, we find Jack as a successful lawyer. He's done well on his own, crossed a lot off his list and added more. But, he hasn't factored God into the plan. God hasn't seemed to be around in the past... Can Jack trust Him with the future? As life continues to take its toll and tragedies strike, will Jack relinquish the power of his list in order to gain all he's ever wanted?

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Uma mulher determinada não mede esforços para realizar seu sonho de infância de ser mãe. Quando a vida a deixar sem opções, para onde ela ...